Tourists Visa

Tourist Visa Depending on which country you want to visit, a travel or visitor visa may be required. This visa is temporary and does not entitle you to work, but allows you to stay and travel freely in and among the country as a tourist for the time specified. If you are looking to work, […]

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Family Visa

Family Visa This type of visa, which gives legal rights to your spouse, partner, child or dependant to join you in another country to visit, live and even work and have your children attend school (which depending on the country is often free). For example, those already with a work visa or student visa are […]

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Other Visa

Other Visa There are lots of other types of visas in addition to tourist/visitor visas or family/dependant visas.Each type of visa has specific requirements depending on your status and the country you are applying for. We have been able to successfully process all types of visas for our clients all over the world for countries […]

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